We are proud to support Ronald McDonald House                                                        

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"Hundreds of families from all over the South Island and lower North Island stay with us completely free of charge every year so they can concentrate on what matters most.” (from Ronald McDonald House South Island) 

Here at Corcoran French, we want to help people in ways other than our legal work. The Ronald McDonald House located in Christchurch is part of that and a great local charity that we support. 

Our team prepares meals as part of the House’s family dinner programme, we collect for the charity’s appeal days and we are proud to sponsor a room at the House. The room sponsorship in particular means families have their “home away from home” while their children receive hospital treatment in Christchurch. Our monthly casual Fridays are also used as a fundraising opportunity, and some of our staff contribute to the charity directly out of their pay. Our partners also financially contribute to the House. 

If you’d like to know more, ask one of our team when you’re next talking to them, or visit www.rmhsi.org.nz

Toitū Envirocare

Toitu Envirocare black

Corcoran French is proud to be working with Toitū Envirocare to bolster its climate action journey through credibility and international best practice.  

CPIA - Canterbury Property Investors Association


                                                         Canterbury Property Investors' Association    


Corcoran French is a major sponsor of the CPIA, an organisation whose membership number is 450. 

CPIA is a one-stop shop for all things property investment in Canterbury.



Corcoran French Kaiapoi Art Expo


We have been sponsors of the Corcoran French Art Expo since it's beginning in 2006.



Kaiapoi Rugby Football Club

Corcoran French is proud to continue its association with local community organisations.  We have been sponsors of the Kaiapoi Rugby Football Club for many years.  Having started business in Kaiapoi in 1892 our links to the local area are very strong.